

Code: Biztonsági kód


Our hotel is situated in Bük, which is a small town with a population of 3,000 in the west of Hungary, next to the Austrian border, 2 km from well-known Spa Bük, 27 km from Szombathely and 47 km from Sopron.

GPS coordinates:

By car - Plan your route

By air

Bükfürdő can be easily reached from several international airports; the transfer time is 1.5-2 hours. If you arrive by air, we would be happy to arrange your transfer between the airport and our hotel.

Transfer time

By train, coach:

If you arrive by train or airplane, we would be happy to arrange your transfer between the railway station/airport and our hotel.

Wenn Sie mit dem Zug oder Bus kommen, können wir Ihnen gerne den Transfer zwischen dem Bahnhof und dem Hotel organisieren.

Use this downloadable itinerary guide to plan your route from inland or abroad. More information »


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